Pakistani Space Observatory Captures ‘Cheshire Cat’ in Major Astronomical Feat

A rare achievement have been named to Pakistani astronomers as they have captured a gravitational lensing object.

A blog shared by sources, revealed that his team mate Shaheer Niazi captured a group of galaxies from the earth, nicknamed the Cheshire Cat.

The first image of a 10billion light years distant gravitational lens system from the skies of Pakistan!!

This object is the rarest of the rare and an extremely challenging object to capture as the gravitational arcs have magnitudes of 22-24! There are only a handful of amateurs in the world who have imaged this from small telescopes as this object comes under the domain of superior telescopes like the hubble space telescope! Careful processing is required to bring out the gravitational arcs which have a flux of only a few photons per minute!

It is pertinent to mention here that only 4 or 5 astronomers were able to capture this galaxy from earth so far, while Space Telescopes like Hubble defined it in detail.

Speaking to media about his rare achievement, Shaheen stated that it took him around 17hours to capture the rare sight which was too dim to be detected by a high telescope.

He called it a milestone, by adding the limits of thecountry’s first ever high-tech space observatory located in Bela, Balochistan.

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