Astronauts get brain damage from space travel that often never heals

The final frontier of space travel unveils a new mystery – the human brain, and its reaction to prolonged absence from Earth’s gravity. A recent study suggests those who frequently embark on longer journeys should wait approximately three years after each mission, allowing time for the physiological changes in their brains to reset.

A team of researchers meticulously analyzed the brain scans of 30 astronauts, taken before and after their extraterrestrial voyages. The findings, released today in the journal Scientific Reports, unveils a startling observation. 

Brain ventricles take years to recover, if at all

The astronauts’ brain ventricles experienced significant expansion post-travel, especially in those who had undertaken missions spanning at least six months. This raises concerns since less than three years post-mission may not provide enough time for the ventricles to fully recover.

Understanding what these ventricles are is vital. They’re essentially cavities nestled within the brain, housing cerebrospinal fluid responsible for the brain’s protection, nourishment, and waste removal. 

In the grip of Earth’s gravity, our bodies have finely tuned mechanisms that distribute fluids evenly. But in space, where gravity is absent, these fluids shift upwards, nudging the brain higher within the skull and leading to ventricular expansion.

“The more time people spent in space, the larger their ventricles became,” explains Rachael Seidler, a professor of applied physiology and kinesiology at the University of Florida and one of the authors of the study. 

Serious implications for long-term space missions

According to Seidler, the implications are significant for astronauts who have been to space more than once. The findings suggest that it takes approximately three years between flights for the ventricles to fully recover. Seidler affirms that this ventricular expansion is the most enduring brain change observed as a result of spaceflight. 

The full implications of this phenomenon remain a mystery. “We don’t yet know for sure what the long-term consequences of this is on the health and behavioral health of space travelers,” says Seidler. Yet, prudence dictates that allowing the brain adequate time to recover seems like a sound strategy.

How the study was conducted

In their study, the researchers scrutinized the scans of astronauts from different mission durations – eight of them embarked on two-week missions, 18 spent six months in space, while four journeyed for approximately a year. Interestingly, the rate of ventricular enlargement appeared to taper off after six months.

Seidler points out, “The biggest jump comes when you go from two weeks to six months in space.” Evidently, there’s no measurable change in the ventricles’ volume after a brief two-week stint. This observation carries good news for the budding space tourism industry. Shorter space trips appear to trigger minimal physiological changes to the brain.

Furthermore, Seidler finds it encouraging that ventricular expansion seems to plateau after six months, despite not yet having data from astronauts in space for significantly longer periods. “We were happy to see that the changes don’t increase exponentially, considering we will eventually have people in space for longer periods.”

This intriguing study, supported by NASA, has the potential to significantly shape future decision-making concerning crew travel and mission planning, according to Seidler. As humanity edges closer to becoming an interplanetary species, it’s clear that understanding the physiological effects of space travel on the human body will remain an area of intense research.

More about impact of space travel on the human body 

Space travel represents one of the most extreme environments humans have ever encountered, and as such, it brings a range of unique effects on the human body. The microgravity environment, increased exposure to radiation, and the psychological stress of confinement and isolation all contribute to a variety of health effects.

Microgravity Effects 

One of the most striking effects of space travel is the impact of microgravity on the body. In space, the lack of gravity causes a redistribution of bodily fluids, leading to a puffy face and bird-leg syndrome. More seriously, the body begins to lose bone and muscle mass without the regular resistance of gravity. Astronauts can lose up to 1-2% of bone mass per month in space, particularly in the lower body and spine, a condition similar to osteoporosis. Muscle mass also decreases, especially in the muscles used for posture and movement on Earth.

Microgravity also affects the cardiovascular system. The heart doesn’t need to work as hard in space, which can cause a decrease in heart muscle size. Some astronauts experience orthostatic intolerance – dizziness and fainting when standing – upon their return to Earth as a result of these cardiovascular adaptations.

The recent findings about the brain’s ventricles expanding during prolonged space travel (as in the press release you provided) represent another facet of microgravity’s effects.


Space travel exposes astronauts to higher levels of radiation, which can increase the risk of cancer. Outside the protective layer of Earth’s atmosphere and magnetic field, astronauts receive more than ten times the radiation than people experience on average on Earth. This exposure increases the risk of developing cancer and may also have unknown effects on the nervous system.

Psychological Stress

The psychological impact of space travel can also be significant. Isolation and confinement can lead to sleep disturbances, circadian rhythm disruptions, and behavioral and emotional difficulties. Astronauts also commonly report vision changes, and ongoing research suggests that these changes may be related to both

microgravity and increased CO2 levels on the International Space Station.

Other Health Concerns 

Some other health concerns related to space travel include the risk of kidney stones, damage to the eyes and vision (known as Visual Impairment Intracranial Pressure Syndrome), immune system dysregulation, and balance and coordination difficulties upon return to Earth. There are also significant concerns about the potential for serious medical emergencies in space, as our current ability to provide advanced medical care in a microgravity environment is limited.

As humanity aims for longer-duration space travel, such as missions to Mars, understanding these effects and developing ways to mitigate them will be vital. It’s an active area of research, and organizations like NASA are working to ensure the safety and health of astronauts venturing into the unknown.

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